Friday, May 20, 2011

The Bookworm Artist

This is part of the WCAGA Book Discussion Group.

Vickey Martin submitted the following titles. 

  1. “The Art of War: Winning the Inner Creative Battle” 
  2. “A Short Life of Trouble: Forty Years in the New York Art World” 

Vickie Martin says that she read a lot about Art History and got stuck on the fascinating world of Art Theft and Forgery for now. Read her Blog to find out how this interest in the exiting criminal world of art started with a book titled “The Forgery of Venus.” Available on her Blog is more books on this theme. 

Thank You Vickie for starting this blog post off with these wonderful titles.

See the list of book up to date on the Bookworm Artist Page

Goal of this weekly blog post will be to create a useful, inspiring, and art related book list. The post will go out saying who submitted the book titles and why they find it useful or inspiring or interesting. Please try to keep all book titles related to art, art history, art Stories(fiction), Art Technique, Art Bio or auto Bio, Art Documentaries. The titles of the books will go onto a Blog Page which you can reach by clicking on a tab called the “The Bookworm Artist” at the top of the WCAGA blog. 

1 comment:

  1. I also found "The Forgery of Venus" to be exceptionally good. The writer had knowledge of media, composition and technique which made it a better read than most art related novels.
