Mary Frances is an artist and a poet. Her life in creativity took over after she left the corporate world. She studied under professors from Georgia Perimeter College and Georgia State University. Mary Frances uses a variety of materials in her work, pencil, ink, ebony, charcoal, watercolor and oil. Her work can be describe as soft, whimsical, and dreamy. Her work is explorations, reflections, and adventures in different artistic mediums and genres. Mary Frances has this great poem available on her website. It is called "Mature Art Student." I copied the poem here because it deals with everything the maturing woman faces everyday and it reminded me of the Martha Wilson Exhibition "I have become my own worst Fear." Please visit Mary Frances' Website for more information and artwork and contact details.
Mature Art Student
Remembering beach-bright days,
short shorts, and roller skating,
I decide to paint
my silhouette.
Quickly, I multiply mirrors,
strip, then look.
What has happened to me?
I see where the latest
forty pounds resides.
My ribcage has pillows!
If I hang from the door frame,
will my waist return?
Yes, sides smooth as sand.
Silly girl, you can’t draw
with your hands overhead.
And then there’s my butt—
depression descends.
My once round bottom
splits into two squares.
Forget the mirrors.
I throw on a fat-man’s T-shirt.
I’ll draw my feet instead.
-Mary Frances-
Kind Regards
Mary Frances is as genuine and forthright in her work as she is in the way she lives her life. We met at GSU about seven years ago. Since then, I have watched her art work develop and attain a depth and vision that pulls the viewer into the vortex of her imagination. She has a beautiful soft touch with a characteristic luminosity in her work. Her visions of the sky are my personal favorites.