Sunday, July 21, 2013

Upcoming events

WCAGA Professional Development Workshop
Open to the public.
How to- do basic digital photo editing.
How to- submit art work to online Juried shows.
How to- sign up on the WCAGA Website.
How to- create and edit your WCAGA "My Page"
How to- create events on the WCAGA Website.
Any other issues are welcome.

If you haven’t submitted to Brenau Exhibition, we can help with that.
This is a informal, one on one workshop. If you have a laptop/i-pad/kindle fire, please bring it. We help you on your laptop or other handheld device if possible. Please remember to bring any images on your device or CD or USB drive.

Please contact Corlia, if you want to come. RSVP is not necessary.

When: August 3, 3-4:30pm
Where: Dekalb County Public Library- Dunwoody Branch. 5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338

August Art Share 
Sunday 4 August 2013 3-5pm
at the home/studio of:
Nancy Hunter
1741 Hummingbird Lane, Atlanta Ga 30307.

The street is very narrow, (in places two cars cannot fit side by side). Please park so that neighbors are able to exit and enter the street. Parking in Nancy's driveway is fine.
Members/guests who wish to attend please let Kathy Meliopoulos 404-325-0863, or Nancy Hunter know.

August Book Club Meeting
When: Sunday, August 11, 2013, 3:00 pm
What to read: "The Woman Upstairs" By Claire Messud
Where: Vickie Martin' home, 3120 Mays Court, Decatur, Ga. 30033

It’s a very informal format.
We have art-related reading material and then meet to discuss what we read.
Everyone is welcome to come to the discussion meeting
(even if you don’t get time to read the material first.).
The reading material is a jumping off place for the discussion.

Bringing something tasty to nibble on or drink is always nice, but not required.
RSVP (It’s helpful, but not essential.)
At this meeting we will decide what to read next and when to meet again.
Bring topic suggestions. Also let us know if you would like to offer your house or studio for a future Book Club gathering. For any questions, suggestions, comments, etc., contact the Book Club/Reading Group Coordinators. Vickie Martin and Vicki Bethel (Maggie),

Drawing Marathon
Dates: July 27 and August 24
Place: Barb Rehg’s Studio
Time: 10 to 3pm

Please contact Barb Rehg at to reserve a place. I can hold as many as 7 people in my studio. I have wall space as well as flat surfaces. I have drinks and usually plenty of food but you are always welcome to bring your own. These are both Saturday dates. I have found many of you have commitments during the week and that Saturdays and Sundays seem to be best. We have been following the format set down last year. We’re working on paper, using neutrals and leaving the content totally up to the artists discretion. I look forward to seeing you and working amongst you. I had hoped to change it up a bit but it seems the original format still works. Next year, however, we definitely should try some new formats. We have at least one fall session planned but we’ll announce that date in the August newsletter.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Invitation to participate in the first Open Studio Tours Planned for Metro Atlanta!

"Art Mob Studio Tour"
November 15-17, 2013
If you would like to participate in this new event, contact  Jane Springfield (jane@janespringfield.comby July 26. Details below.

Commit to having your studio open to visitors on any or all of the following days and times:
Friday November 15, 6-9
Saturday November 16, 10-6
Sunday November 17, 1-6
You can invite other artists to show in your studio with you. 
There will be a small fee to participate to cover signage and publicity.
5% of sales will go to the charity Children's Restoration Network.
Your studio name, address, and web site will be listed in publicity.

The next planning meeting will be on July 27 at 2:00 pm. Further questions can be addressed to either Jane Springfield (above) or Kathy Rennell Forbes (

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pot Luck Dinner in Honor of the WCA National Board.

You are invited to a Pot Luck Dinner in honor of the WCA National Board. At the home of Callahan McDonough. Sager Lofts, 455 Glen Iris Drive, Unit L (ground level/end unit), Atlanta, GA 30308. July 13, 6:45-10pm.

Park or drop off on Angier Ave. From Angier, enter gate to parking lot behind the 
building. Walk up the granite stairs on left, enter unlocked gate and walk toward patio. Enter condo through glass door.
handicap access: Drop off on Angier at intersection with Glen Iris. Use ramp to sidewalk. Enter door marked “WCA”. (1st door on right) For assistance call Callahan at 404-593-7370.
WCAGA will provide grilled salmon & tofu, beverages & white wine.
Please bring a plated food item with serving utensil that will feed approximately 10 people
and that can be served room temperature. Use a small tent sign to identify your dish and whether it’s vegetarian, vegan or contains nuts. You do not need to bring a main dish.
Please indicate whether you’d like to bring an appetizer, bread, salad, or dessert and reply by WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 to Chris Lewis at
Salad suggestions include tossed green, noodle, potato, fruit, corn, pea, roasted veggie, etc. Your response will count as your RSVP.
Please note: This is a members only event.

For more information on the WCA NAtional Board Meeting go to the WCAGA Website.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Interview For July-- Kate Colpitts---Artist, WCAGA Vice-President 2013/14

1.Who are you and what do you do, and what is your background?
I am retired and have the luxury of time which is good because I am an artist.  I worked for many years in the education department of a fine arts museum, the Wadsworth Atheneum and have taught art to children and adults.

2.What's integral to your art and or art career? 

3.What themes do you pursue and what medium do you use.
I make art about my world, recording where I am and what I find in my environment.  Currently my work table and the view out the window beyond my work table is my subject matter.  That table is littered with the objects I find on my daily walks.  I see the entire image as indoor, outdoor landscape.

4.What makes you angry, what makes you happy?
Angry:  cruelty, greed, bigotry, poverty of body, mind or spirit, starvation, war, profit from war and oppression.  Happy: family and friends, the ocean, gardens, well grown food, a good story, wine, music, acts of kindness, birthday presents, kind people, babies, Haleakala Volcano (the most wonderful place I ever was), a fair deal, successful collaboration, the changing of seasons and other things.

5.Who and what inspire you in your work and or in your life in general?

This answer is found in #7

6.What superpower would you want?
I would like to be able to fly with complete control like a bird.

7.What is your favorite artists and or other person?
I am constantly being introduced to the work of artists that I love, historical artists as well contemporary ones.  The following well known artists have been an influence and I continue to learn from looking at their work:
Vincent van Gogh because not only do I find his work visually exciting but because his personal life was so chaotic and yet his work so highly organized and that conflict is of interest to me.
Pierre Bonnard because of the way he worked form and color….the way he put his compositions together…brilliant!
Eva Hesse for her strange, scary, beautiful, unique vision and innovative use of materials.
Jackson Pollack because he made really, really beautiful paintings and set us free.
Joseph Beuys because his work was so profound and sad.

Judy Chicago because of what she had to say.
Yoko Ono for her creative breadth and just because.
Charles Burchfield because he saw so much.
Helen Frankenthaler for her elegance.
Agnes Martin… beautiful, quiet, dedicated and moving.

8.What advice would you give to other artists.
I subscribe to the Andy Warhol, Chuck Close school of advise….don’t think too much…..just do the work, the work, the work.

9.Contact details if any?