Being the ninth of eleven children makes for an extraordinary childhood. Mariah Spann grew up with an awareness of those around her and finding happiness in her large family. She is originally form Helena Arkansas but finds herself in Atlanta Georgia now. She used her artistic talent to communicate her wants and views from an early age. She looked up to her older sisters and as they were making art too they inspired her to keep on trying and trying until the pictures turned out the way she wanted them to.

Mariah Spann received her Master’s degree in Education at Central Michigan University in 2001 and is currently working on her Doctorate at Georgia Southern University. She is a member of Women’s Caucus for Art and the National Art Education Association.
Artist StatementAs I continue to work in the art field, I realize that being able to do what I enjoy is very important, to have piece of mind and release things of the workday. It is important to have something that ensures that my beingness has been elevated to a level beyond humanism.I believe that art should promote a diversity of experiences, as well as give you the opportunity to enrich your own internal senses. Sometimes art can enhance your social awareness and allow many differences throughout the world in order to show how much we are alike. The Black experience is an important aspect of human development that should be talked about, written about, sung about, and shown, whether through painting, drawing, or sculptures.My work tends to involve the instrumentalist approach, which depicts mainly working class Blacks and explores the environmental aspects of daily life. Mostly, my ideas come from images that introduce family and friends, and sometimes people who are known in the media. My interest in these subjects is mainly created in the realistic approach. Using a variety of mediums allows me to be expressive, whether I am working with two-dimensional or three-dimensional creations.
Please have a look at her Website for more.
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