Monday, January 19, 2015

Upcoming Member's Events

January 9


January 15


January 23


Friday, January 9, 2015

Ongoing call for art...

Thank so very much for your prompt response with such short notice in regards to 'call for art'  the one day event at the Perimeter Church.  We regret to say that the logistics and proper viewing arrangements could not be agreed upon between the church committee presenting this event, and then ultimately it became evident to us as WCAGA committee as well.  

We are  a bit disappointed but feel we have accomplished something very important out of this effort which is to begin to have a pre-organized group of Women artists/WCAGA that is available and on point for future art events. We think of it as our WCAGA Art Posse dedicated to raising awareness about Human Trafficking.

 We do in fact  have a couple of potential projects we are working on that would be a longer showing and also more focused on the art itself. We hope you will each allow us to keep your images and information digitally available. Then as the opportunities arise  we can include your art in proposals we write. 

Further, our committee has a standing 'call for art' for any other members who might want to send art works created on the theme of human trafficking/ sex trafficking.  Additional works can be sent to: Flora Rosefsky email:

Thank you again for your participation and contributing such dynamic art works.


Monday, January 5, 2015

Interview with Artist Barbara Rehg

Woven, 72x54, Charcoal, ink, oil stick, chalk

1. Who are you and what do you do, and what is your background?
I am someone interested in understanding my world. Drawing, painting, photography,        reading and looking are the methods I use to bring clarity to my curiosity.  
So, background is a process of building…a timeline of one thing leading to the next, choices being made along the way. 
Watching Jon Gnagy ‘Learn to Draw’ on Saturday morning TV when I was a preschool child was the first inkling I had an obsession with mark making. What I find interesting at this point in my life, is that the show wasn’t dummied down for children…it was fascinating. I learned about perspective, contrast, shading, seeing. It was magic. 
Once in school, any chance I had to draw legitimately on my assignments made the work worthwhile learning. Later, of course, I drew while listening to lectures and when I should have been taking notes. 
My art classes, at first, were simply joyous breaks in the day but as I grew older, they started to take on a competitive atmosphere. By the time I was finished with college, my BA seemed inadequate to the task of being an artist. 
For a long time, all I had were small, stolen moments of sketching. Gradually, over the years, I allowed myself to become obsessed once again with the visual language of drawing and painting. I let other concerns of being judged become less and less important. 
So, here I am today…learning who I am, how I view the world…all through the process of drawing and painting. 

Blackboard, 32x84, Chalk on Blackboard paint
2. What's integral to your art and or art career?
Of primary importance, my connection with other artists. It is through those connections that I have grown most. Growth, change, learning…these are what are important to my art. 

3. What themes do you pursue and what medium do you use?
I’d like to address media first. I have definite preferences. Charcoal being the first, followed by oil sticks, ink, watercolor, colored pencils and graphite. Media, however, isn’t a deciding factor when I begin a piece. I’m happy working with any of the above. Although I delve into color occasionally, it is secondary to mark making. 
For a  number of years, the focus of my work was about the mind and how it learns and what it learns. Of late, it has morphed into my understanding of how I am intrinsically connected to this world and how that is woven into my past. 

4. What makes you angry, what makes you happy?
What makes me happy? For the most part, it is loving the moment I am in. Whether it is walking alone in the woods, listening to music while doing yoga, being with my family: talking, laughing, playing cards, or skiing, being in my studio faced with a problem of a painting that isn’t working and trying to solve it, walking through an art museum, reading a book by a fire, pulling weeds alongside my husband …the moment of realizing… I am aware, I see, I feel, I think, I live. 

Anger is very hard to hold on to. Disgust is a more accurate word. I get disgusted with people who do violent acts and place the blame on someone else. Anger feeds anger. It’s malignant and the stronger it is, the more virulent it becomes. 
Detail from Graffiti Wall,108x54, Charcoal, Ink, Oil Stick on paper
5. Who and what inspire you in your work and or in your life in general?
Inspiration, for my work and life, comes from so many sources. My family, my artist friends, books I read, images I see, travels I experience. 

6. What superpower would you want?
I would want a sharp mind with a golden tongue. 
7. Who are your favorite artists and or other persons?
When I first saw the drawing of Leonardo DeVinci, I was entranced. Later, I found Diebenkorn, DeKooning and Joan Mitchell and a part of my brain woke with a jolt. But that’s my visual world…I live with an amazing man who never stops challenging himself and that inspires me to embrace my own set of challenges. 

8. What advice would you give to other artists?
Making work that fascinates you and has meaning to you…enriches your whole life. 

Dig Down, 54x72, Charcoal, oil stick on canvas  
Barbara Rehg
Exhibit and Drawing Marathon Chair for the WCAGA (

Artist with Murer Gallery in Atlanta

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Innocence Lost, Lives Shattered----Do Something ... Do Justice

Although very short notice, a good opportunity has come up where your work that was in the WCA-GA Dolls in the City show, organized by Loretta Paraguassu and the 2 Rules Fine Art Galley, can be shown again for a one day exhibition on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at the Perimeter Church located at 9500 Medlock Bridge Road – Johns Creek, GA 30097.


The “Atlanta Justice Conference” is being held from 8:30am-2:30pm on the 31st  where approximately 300 or more people will be attending from across this area to learn more about Human and Sex Trafficking. WCA-GA has been invited to put together a visual arts component – an exhibition relating to this topic.  See the information below listing the program’s speakers. More information about the conference is available at this link.

There is room for about 30 art works (2-D – ready to be hung work)  on the provided 2 sided  panels. 

To make it easy for you, if you want to participate
·         Let Flora Rosefsky know by this Tues. January 6, 2015 - if you want to participate, and if so – which  of up to 3 work(s)  you want to show. Attach a lo-res or med-res jpg for each work. Provide  your name, title of the work, and its dimensions (including the frame). 
Can submit up to 3 images.

·         All  artists up to 30 submissions will be exhibited. Please send us up to 3 images each.  

·        Work can be dropped off at Callahan McDonough’s loft residence at  the Sager Lofts,- 455 Glen Iris Drive NE – Unit #L – Atlanta 30308
(not too far from VA Highlands) on Wednesday,, January 28th between 10am – 1pm

·         Note that Callahan is willing  to  take the work to the church in time to install it on Friday, January 30th  along with the help of Maxine Hess, who lives in Woodstock. 
They need one other volunteer to help install 

·         Callahan and Maxine plan to attend the conference on Sat. Jan. 31stThere is a nominal fee of around $15 to attend. All participants are welcome.  
·         Callahan and Maxine will take down the show Saturday evening. The work will be returned to Callahan’s loft.
·         Pick up of your work at Callahan’s loft  on Wed. February 4th,  between 10am -1pm

Many people, who have a strong interest in this particular issue of human and sex trafficking will be attending this event, where they will not only see your work, but will engage in the conversation or dialogue which the art’s message addresses. It is a great way to show the public the depth of creativity and message oriented work from the talents of our WCA-GA members. 

Be sure you get back to us  by next Tuesday, January

The  WCA-GA task force committee working on this issue is developing  other educational and exhibition opportunities. The Dolls in the City exhibition was an excellent beginning for WCA-GA to get involved. Thank you Loretta!

With best regards for a good year ahead in 2015-
The WCA-GA Human/Sex Trafficking steering committee
Maxine Hess – Callahan McDonough – Flora Rosefsky – Ruth Schowalter

About the Conference Program (from Lynn Traynor, chair  (678) 462-5913)

Innocence Lost,  Lives Shattered
Join us as we gather as a city to confront the exploitation of the vulnerable in our midst.  Keynote Speaker Vernon Keenan, Director of the GBI, will open our eyes to the realities in our city followed by your choice of educational and action inspiring breakout sessions suited for all levels of interest and involvement. Come find your place in the battle. 
  Do Something ... Do Justice

Other speakers and Breakout Session Leaders Include:

Hillary DeJarnett - Haven Atlanta/Salvation Army
Jeff Shaw - Out of Darkness   
Mary Frances Bowley - Wellspring Living- Founder
Street Grace - "DMST 101"
Sgt. Torry Kennedy - SVU Dekalb Co 
Lyn Thompson - Founder, Truckers Against Trafficking 
Judge Cassandra Kirk - Fulton Co. Juvenile Court 
Promise 686 - Foster Care and DMST
Stuart Griffin: FACE - (Fathers Against Child Exploitation) 
Pastor Bruce Deel - "Caring for the Victims"
Sen. Renee Unterman- "Legislative Concerns and Involvement"
Tiffany Sawyer - GCCA - "Child Sexual Abuse and DMST"
Kelly Stewart - Johns Creek City Council - Asian Massage Parlors-"In Your Neighborhood"
Operation Liberate - The Criminal Element "In your Neighborhood"